Woodland Acres Dues

Why do we have annual dues?

Road Maintanence

It is our neighborhood's responsibility to maintain our roads and keep them in good working order. Part of our dues each year is to maintain the quality of our roads. 

Snow Removal

In our neighborhood it is our responsibility to remove the snow, ice and sand from our roads. Part of our dues go to snow removal and road safety.

How much are the annual dues?

$350 per year

When do I need to pay my annual dues?

Annual dues are to be paid by May 1st of each year. April 1st is the beginning of the fiscal year for Woodland Acres Neighborhood Association. 

The annual dues amount will be voted on and set each year at the annual meeting. The annual meeting is typically the end of March. 

Where do I pay my annual dues?

Steps for paying annual dues online?

Woodland Acres Online Payment.docx

Need more help?

If you need the address of the treasurer send us an email at woodlandacresneighborhood@gmail.com or call or text ‪(712) 318-2002‬ ‬.